Weekly Breastfeeding Clinic

Need specialized, thorough help but can’t arrange a home visit?

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The weekly Breastfeeding Clinic is a very special opportunity to get the intense, thorough, personalized care of a home visit at a fraction of the cost. Whether you live outside my range, want to follow up with me without doing more home visits, or just want to get out of the house for a change, the clinic is a great option.

Like a home visit, we do a thorough history and can spend time sorting through complex problems. You must preregister here and fill out an intake form; the group is limited to just four families per week so that we can dive deep. You will leave with a care plan.

Scale available; $125.

Tuesdays, 12:30-2:00 at Kids At Work, 123 West 20th Street, 2nd Floor (Elevator on site)