“Joining Meredith’s working mom’s group was the single best decision I made when I returned to work after having my first child. I was instantly connected to a terrific group of women with whom I have now shared six years of laughs and tears and incredible support. Our monthly meetings help me navigate just about every challenge - major job changes, having two more kids, raising these kids, dealing with families and nannies and bosses and schools. I am so grateful that I get to have a monthly, honest and heartfelt check-in with a group of truly amazing professional moms.”
The Working Parents' Groups are places where modern people with kids and jobs talk about how it all works. Groups meet monthly.
We discuss:
Getting “everything” done
Finding and maintaining excellent childcare
Negotiating boundaries at work
Co-parenting with a partner when you’re both employed
Your relationship with your baby
Pumping and breastfeeding issues
Contact me for DATES.
A note about these groups — please read this before you consider joining:
It’s easy to cut out the things you do “only” for yourself, and working parents are really busy.
Over the years, I’ve observed, though, that when a group feels mutually committed, great things happen. Members who sense an obligation to the group find it pays back in huge dividends for them. Everyone feels safer when she knows that the other people there are in it with her — not just dropping in or “trying it out.”
For this reason, think of signing up as a commitment to show up for everyone else in the room, and know that they are committing to you, too.
For this reason, I don’t offer “trial” classes or pro-rated fees, and the series fee is non-refundable.