After the newborn stage, there’s more to learn about the wild ride of parenting!
The Older Baby Workshop covers the milestones from 6-15 months, and corresponding parenting skills as your baby grows.
- cognitive and physical milestones
- nutrition, solids and weaning
- baby-proofing
- appropriate play for your older baby
- beginning discipline issues
- repetitive and annoying behaviors
- nap transitions
- separation and stranger anxiety, and one-parent-preference
This workshop is a one-day live event. Contact me for dates.
In The Toddler Workshop, we cover:
(c) Meredith Fein Lichtenberg 2008 all rights reserved
- intellectual and emotional development thru 30 months
- food fights, bedtime battles and “NO!”
- side-by-side play and friendships between older babies and toddlers
- new-sibling issues
- nutrition, growth and physical development
- separation anxiety and transitions, and
- whether my daughter, (pictured) had a meltdown about which bagel-half to eat first.
(just kidding, of course she did!)
This workshop is held as a three part series, online. Contact me for current dates.