To help you get ready for that, I offer classes in breastfeeding and infant care.
Infant Care:
(c) Greg Lichtenberg 2001 All Rights Reserved
Grooming, diapering and bathing
When to call the pediatrician
Sleep issues
Coping with fussiness and colic
Finding breaks
Getting out
Setting up a nursery
Establishing a proper latch
Ensuring that the baby is feeding well
Troubleshooting/Common Concerns about breastfeeding
What to do if you need more help
Emotional issues around breastfeeding
Should my partner come? Yes. If there are two parents, the class is for both of you. If you are single and will have regular support from a friend or family member, I suggest you ask them to attend with you.
Do we take this before or after the birth? Either, but almost everyone takes them prenatally because afterwards you're kind of busy.
Private Classes: Any time you like, in your home or office. Contact me or check out my schedule and sign up.
Group Class: First Sunday of the month, "Infant Care & Breastfeeding" class at City Births, 370 W 58 ST, 10-1 or 2-5, scheduled the day after my childbirth series so you can take them sequentially.
(Note: You can register for this without taking childbirth, but I strongly suggest you take both.)
Banner: Photo by Abigail Batchelder is licensed under CC BY 2.0 (text added to original)