FAQ - New PArents' Groups
Can I bring my baby? Yes!
What if the baby is crying a lot? I promise, other babies are doing the same. It’s okay to come.
What do we do in the group, anyway? Here are some topics:
"Post-birth Bliss!" by mabycakes is licensed by CC BY 2.0
dealing with crying and fussy behavior
establishing routines
getting your body back
co-parenting with your partner if you’re partnered
"myths" of parenthood
sex and intimacy and parenting
feeding, and sleep issues
dealing with parents and in-laws
coping with normal new mom anxiety and doubt
If I’m going back to work, is it worth it to come? Yes! This group is an introduction to a wonderful peer community. Being around others will help you get your bearings in the transition to parenthood. Some stay-at-home parents will continue month after month, and some who return to work will continue with the working parents’ group, but at the outset, you’re all starting in the same place.
Can I ask questions about breastfeeding? Yes, although this is not only a breastfeeding group, the topic of breastfeeding often comes up! I am an IBCLC and can give perspectives on the nursing relationship. There is a digital scale if you wish to weigh your baby. However, this group is not a place to get one-on-one clinical support, and if it seems that’s what you need, I’ll suggest we chat afterwards about working together.
What if I’m not nursing? Will I feel left out? No! — the group is for new parents, regardless of feeding method. One of the benefits of this type of group is learning that in real life, if not online, people get along and support each other even if they are not all doing the same thing.
What if I really can’t get out of the house but have lots of questions? Joining a group is best, but for moms who can’t, I do private parenting consults on these issues as well.