An initial visit lasts about 2 hours. During that time, I will:
Photo by Graham Hellewell is licensed under CC BY 2.0
take your history and conduct physical examination
assess baby "at rest and at breast" (observing a feed)
work with parent and baby to achieve comfortable latch and positioning
weigh the baby before and after a feed
discuss management of feeding and active problem-solving
develop a customized, written care plan based on the assessment, to guide family through the next few days
write a report to send to baby’s pediatrician and your care provider, to coordinate care with the rest of the health care team
provide you with a receipt to submit for insurance reimbursement.
do my best to help you feel more secure and confident in managing your family's needs, with practical tools and non-judgmental, empathetic support.
Following the visit, we will be in touch over the next several days to tinker with the care plan and get you on your way. Subsequently, many parents find it helpful to schedule followup visits for further support and education, as they get the hang of things.
What happens after we’re done?
Lots of moms want or need a few follow up visits as we sort out a good plan for you going forward. After that, you can subscribe to my email service for those small ongoing questions that come up for all of us.