“I love the abstract ideas I’m seeing in the “Lean In” concept. I long for us to get to a point where we see family-work balance issues as human issues, not as women’s issues. I dream about changes in American culture that would allow more people to feel — over the course of their lives — stimulated, challenged and engaged with their work and also deeply, humanly connected to each other and their families. I wish that “work” and “life” were parts of each other, not mortal enemies. And I am sick to death of conversations about this stuff that return to the old, clunky tropes. But I also think it’s easier for me to talk in abstraction now without taking it personally than it was a decade ago, when my kids were babies and these questions were new to me. Anyone who embarks on this stuff has to be mindful of their audience.”
— Hey folks — here’s an excerpt from my piece on Huff Post today about my take on the Lean-In book/movement that’s in the news these days. Check it out!