Having kids gets a little crazy, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be happy, productive, and sane. It is your life going by, after all.
I think everyone kind of knows that. But it can be hard to find a balance between an unrealistic Rigid Control Fantasy (let’s all make our kids French!), which your kid won’t do, and the Loosey Goosey of too much indulgent chaos, which no parent can live with for long.
It helps to have some guidance. Next month, I’ll host a TODDLER PARENTING WORKSHOP where we’ll:
- review four basic principles of living with a toddler, so you can use your energy wisely, and not waste a lot of time arguing, demanding, controlling, capitulating, feeling ineffectual and sounding like a two year old yourself!
- do hands-on role-playing exercises to play out real scenarios, and learn how to apply the stuff we all already know to real life situations.
- talk about all the fun stuff: Why your child resists getting her teeth brushed and what to do when she shuts her mouth tight. Why your iPhone is the most appealing thing. What to do when she screams whenever you try to have a conversation with your spouse. How to cope with the daily throw-down when it’s time to put on his coat. Dirty secrets about bedtime, nighttime, picky eating, playground politics, potty learning and new siblings. Yay.
There are no gimmicks and no techniques. This is about learning to understand what’s going on in your child’s mind and make the most of your interactions, so you can get a little sanity back, without worrying that you’re creating a future monster. Once you get them, toddlers are actually pretty delightful.
The class is for parents of toddlers 11-30 months old.
Sunday, February 24, 2013, 10-noon
TAMID Downtown Synagogue*, 299 Broadway, Suite 716
$50 per person or $60 per couple. If you are a former student of mine, you can come for a discount if you bring a full-paying new student or couple.
Register by clicking on the paypal button at left (scroll down from “purchse a workshop”).
AFTER REGISTERING, please email me one or two scenarios that are currently challenging you with your toddler. We will use these real life examples in our session. You can contact me at meredith (at) amotherisborn (dot) com.
*Note: Tamid members can come to this workshop for free. Please email me to let me know you are coming.